
If you want to have an exceptional learning experience in a family-friendly atmosphere, 那你来对地方了. 科霍马社区学院为学生提供 品质卓越. 你的未来从科霍马社区学院开始.  学习的原因 我们是你的正确选择. 

Review our 入学要求 or go ahead and fill out an 应用程序.




以下是一般性要求 JDB电子游戏要求 and must be completed by all students desiring admission to 科霍马社区学院:

1. 应用程序
Each applicant is required to submit a completed 应用程序 for admission. 这个应用程序 can be obtained by contacting the JDB电子游戏和记录办公室 or by 点击这里.

2. 成绩单
A first-time entering student seeking admission to the college should provide an official transcript bearing the principal's/registrar's signature, date of graduation (if applicable) 还有学校的印章. 

学生 who have passed the General Education Test must submit an official transcript 普通教育文凭(GED)的分数.

学生 who have attended other institutions of higher learning must submit official college and/or military transcripts from ALL institutions attended.

3. ACT分数
学生 seeking admission to the academic and technical programs are required to take the American College Test (ACT) and request that the results be sent to the Office JDB电子游戏及记录. JDB夺宝游戏的ACT代码是002401.

A transfer student is defined as one who has satisfactorily completed course work 从另一个认可的学院或大学. 转到科荷马社区的学生 College are required to meet all 入学要求 listed in the College 目录.

A student who is on academic probation at another college, if otherwise acceptable, 被科霍马社区学院留校察看. 被排除在外的学生 another college because of academic suspension may be considered for admission to 科霍马社区学院 on probationary status after remaining out of college for 一个学期.

参见学校的学生记录政策 目录 转学分政策.  有关JDB电子游戏课程,请参阅JDB电子游戏 的转让政策 JDB电子游戏学生手册.

The 应用程序 of a student graduating from a home school program will be referred to the Admission Committee and will be considered on an individual basis.

A homeschooled student must submit a transcript prepared by a parent, guardian, or custodian with a signed affidavit and a written recommendation from one of the above 人.

所有其他的 入学要求 must also be met which includes ACT scores and social security card.

The committee will make a recommendation to the appropriate instructional Deans (Academic Dean for Academic Affairs, Dean for 职业生涯 技术教育 or Dean for Health 科学)关于注册状态.


High school students may earn college credit while they are still attending high school 并参加了高中课程. 只有3分的学生.平均0分 在4上.所有高中课程都是0分或更高 are eligible to enroll. 在那里 is no obligation on the part of the student to enroll at 科霍马社区学院 高中毕业后. 要被录取到双JDB电子游戏计划,学生 必须具备以下条件:

  1. 至少十四(14)个卡内基高中单元
  2. 总分3分.平均成绩0分,4分.所有高中课程都是0分或更高 as documented by an official high school transcript which must be sealed in an envelope
  3. A unconditional letter of recommendation from the academic counselor and/or principal (由双JDB电子游戏协调员提供)
  4. 科霍马社区学院入学申请
  5. 社会保障卡复印件

NOTE: Dual enrollment students must earn a minimum grade of "C" in each class taken 继续双重JDB电子游戏计划.

A limited number of international students who meet the requirements will be accepted 申请进入大学. 所有要求必须在两(2)个月内完成 prior to beginning of classes for the semester in question in order to permit time for forms required by the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States 由司法部完成并批准.

  1. 完成入学申请.
  2. Provide final transcript of high school/secondary work and/or all transcripts from 就读的每所学院/专上院校. (学生有责任 transcripts evaluated and interpreted and the costs incurred in this process).
  3. Provide evidence of proficiency in the English language through a score of at least 关于“作为外语的英语考试”."
  4. Provide scores on American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
  5. Submit a financial affidavit reflecting evidence of sufficient monies to cover college 以及出席期间的个人支出. 总支出包括学费、 room and board fees and other fees must be paid at the time of registration.
  6. 必须接受录取委员会的面试吗.

注意: The College reserves the right to determine the number of foreign students to be admitted 并在必要时更改此处所述的政策.

Admission requirements for veterans or eligible 人 are the same as for regular 录取的学生. 退伍军人 and other eligible 人 must meet all general admission requirements and provide the JDB电子游戏和记录办公室 with documented evidence of all previous education and training prior to being admitted and certified to the 资深的管理. 退伍军人 who intend to utilize GI benefits cannot be admitted to the college under special admission status and be eligible to receive financial 根据《JDB电子游戏》获得的福利. 退伍军人或退伍军人家属需要报告 到JDB电子游戏和记录办公室注册后. 


  1. 填妥及递交 在线申请 to the honors college program and provide the requested information.

  2. You will need to upload your 500-word profile essay, double spaced using a 12-point 字体作为应用程序的一部分.  This essay should include your choice of major, professional aspirations, and why 你很适合这个项目.

  3. 申请人目前在高中应该有两个c填妥的推荐表格; one from a high school teacher/counselor/administrator and one from a community leader. 推荐人将收到一封电子邮件 连同表格副本一份以供填写.  

  4. 目前在大学注册的申请人应该有两个c填妥的推荐表格; one 一封来自大学教授,一封来自社区领袖. 这些应该从 把推荐人直接交给Mr. 杰里米·皮特曼. 推荐人将收到一封电子邮件 连同表格副本一份以供填写.  

  5. Submit an official copy of your high school transcript and college transcript (if you are a transfer student) and your most recent ACT or SAT score report to the JDB电子游戏和记录办公室. If you have already sent them, it is not necessary to send a second copy.  所有的信件 submitted on your behalf must include your complete name and Social Security number.  清晰地打字或打印.



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